Palestinian scholars
Name | Description | Selected works |
Abdelrahman, Sanabel | PhD in Arabic studies focusing on magical realism as a form of resistance in Palestinian literature | |
AlKhalili, Noura | Human geographer working on the intersections between settler-colonialism and green energy transitions | Alkhalili, N., Dajani, M., & Mahmoud, Y. (2023). The enduring coloniality of ecological modernization: Wind energy development in occupied Western Sahara and the occupied Syrian Golan Heights. Political Geography, 103, 102871. Alkhalili, N. & Quiquivix, L. (2021). On the Defense of the Palestinian Commons (No. 1) [Podcast]. Retrieved November 10, 2024, from https://www.cnsjournal.org/ep-001-on-the-defense-of-the-palestinian-commons/ |
Kanafani, Ghassan | A prominent Palestinian novelist and political thinker | |
Khalidi, Rashid | Palestinian-American historian and the Edward Said Professor Emeritus of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University | The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017. Metropolitan Books, 2020. |
Said, Edward | Most famous for his book Orientalism, the post-colonial scholar Edward Said has also written extensively on Palestine | Said, Edward W. (1992) The question of Palestine. Vintage Said, Edward W. (1979) Orientalism. Vintage. |
Podcasts and radio
Name | Description | Link |
Radio Al-Hara | Community radio station broadcasting from Bethlehem | https://www.radioalhara.net/ https://www.instagram.com/radioalhara/ |
Upstream Podcast | Upstream Podcast has been running a series on Palestine, featuring several Palestinian scholars and activists. Some of our favorite episodes are: Palestine Pt. 1: A Socialist Introduction with Sumaya Awad Palestine Pt. 2: Justice for Some with Noura Erakat Palestine Pt. 6: One State with Ghada Karmi Palestine Pt. 9: Palestine 2031 with Nadia Zanghari | https://www.upstreampodcast.org/conversations |
Capitalism Nature Socialism Journal Podcasat | Episode 1: In defense of the Palestinian commons Join geographers Linda Quiquivix and Noura Alkhalili in a conversation about the destruction of the Palestinian mushaa‘ (common lands) and what its defense might mean for decolonization, in this inaugural episode of our Capitalism Nature Socialism podcast. | https://www.cnsjournal.org/ep-001-on-the-defense-of-the-palestinian-commons/ |
Learning Palestine | A 12-hour-long radio broadcast including lectures, music, speeches and poetry. | https://learningpalestine.hotglue.me/?Learning+Palestine+12+hours+ |
Author | Title | Link |
Ali Siam | Jerusalem Flower of All Cities (1969) | https://vimeo.com/512517726 |
Mustafa Abu Ali | Scenes of the Occupation from Gaza (1973) | http://www.elliottcolla.com/blog/2021/5/14/rashid-hussein-1936-77 |
Layaly Badr | The Road to Palestine (1985) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bFhT_UxxCQ |
Mustafa Abu Ali | Palestine in the Eye (1977) | https://vimeo.com/512499604 |
Kassem Hawal | Returning to Haifa (1982) | https://palestinefilms.org/en/Film/1982/Returning-To-Haifa |
Mustafa Abu Ali | They Do Not Exist (1974) | https://vimeo.com/104215712 |
Michel Khleifi | Fertile Memory (1981) | https://www.palestinefilminstitute.org/en/pfp/archive/fertile-memory |
Michel Khleifi | Wedding in the Galilee (1987) | https://mubi.com/en/il/films/wedding-in-galilee |
Elia Suleiman | Chronicle of a Disappearance (1996) | https://www.netflix.com/title/70037088 |
Elia Suleiman | Divine Intervention (2002) | https://www.netflix.com/title/60026107 |
Aflamuna.online is a platform for independent films from the SWANA region, regularly features Palestinian films too | https://www.aflamuna.online/en/ | |
Literature, poetry and music
Author | Description | Link |
Agha Shahid Ali | Farewell (poem) | https://allyourprettywords.tumblr.com/post/28990463502/farewell-agha-shahid-ali |
Rashid Hussein | Poems | http://www.elliottcolla.com/blog/2021/5/14/rashid-hussein-1936-77 |
Khadijeh Habashneh | Knights of Cinema: The Story of the Palestine Film Unit (2023) | https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/95069464-knights-of-cinema |
Jadal | El Rasool (song) | https://open.spotify.com/track/6yjP9RiEL25Qqa9fILjp1x?si=ezQs1G-KQOOqcw-Dpk629A |
Intifada | Playlist | https://open.spotify.com/playlist/64API3XupNC0rNICyOGPSA?si=qc8Uoj8XRgu9IHeSK4u4Qg&pi=e-I 2SaWMc3ROSV |
Ghassan Kanafani | Letter from Gaza | https://www.marxists.org/archive/kanafani/1956/letterfromgaza.htm |
Basma Ghalayini (Editor) | The Palestine +100 A short story collection imagining Palestine 100 years after the Nakba | https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43590055-palestine-100 |
Help us expand these lists!
We are continuously working to build this archive. If you have any recommendations for scholars, literature, podcasts or other resources featuring Palestinian voices, please don’t hesitate to reach out!