Call for an academic boycott
Are you a student or an employee at a Danish university? Sign the petition for an academic boycott of complicit Israeli universities.
Israeli universities have exceptionally close ties with the Israeli military – an institution which is currently under investigation for committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. Aside from developing weapon systems and military doctrines deployed in the current war, Israeli universities have for decades provided legal and moral justification for the ongoing colonization of Palestinian land, extra-judicial killings and indiscriminate attacks against civilians.
Take action now!
The call for an academic boycott is part of a worldwide movement. If we stand together, we can put an end to the war crimes and crimes against humanity unfolding in Gaza and in the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
Sign the petition !
We are collectively calling for an academic boycott of universities that are complicit in Israel’s regime of occupation and apartheid
Take action at your own institution!
Help us spread awareness about the call for academic boycott. We have compiled factsheets, posters and flyers that you can print and can hang up or distribute as well as email templates for contacting management.
Report a research project!
Most research collaborations take place on departmental level, so there is no central registry of collaboration. Help us map research projects that involve collaborations with complicit Israeli universities!
Get organized!
Talk to your colleagues! It’s easier to take action, if you can do it with people you trust. Identify allies locally and talk about how you can organize within your own department. Check out this page to see and get in touch with existing groups at your university.
Sign the petition !
We are collectively calling for an academic boycott of universities that are complicit in Israel’s regime of occupation and apartheid
Take action at your own institution!
Help us spread awareness about the call for academic boycott. We have compiled factsheets, posters and flyers that you can print and can hang up or distribute as well as email templates for contacting management.
Report a research project!
Most research collaborations take place on departmental level, so there is no central registry of collaboration. Help us map research projects that involve collaborations with complicit Israeli universities!
Get organized!
Talk to your colleagues! It’s easier to take action, if you can do it with people you trust. Identify allies locally and talk about how you can organize within your own department. Check out this page to see and get in touch with existing groups at your university.
Four reasons we need to boycott complicit Israeli universities
1. Weapons for genocide
Israeli universities have an exceptionally close relationship with the Israeli military and arms industry. Universities played a key role in developing the weapon systems and military doctrines deployed in the current assault on Gaza, including the so-called “Dhahiya doctrine”, which prescribes disproportionate use of violence and the systematic targeting of civilian infrastructure.
2. Facilitating occupation and apartheid
Israeli universities play a key role in planning, implementing and justifying Israel’s regime of occupation and apartheid – both by developing technologies used for the surveillance, control and dispossession of Palestinians and by providing legal and moral justification for the ongoing colonization of Palestinian land, extra-judicial killings and indiscriminate attacks against civilians.
3. Discrimination of Palestinians
Palestinians are systematically discriminated against throughout Israel’s education system. At universities, Palestinian students are not only disproportionally targeted with disciplinary measures by the university administrations, based on their political opinions, but also face threats and harassment from fellow students.
4. Censorship and restricted academic freedom
Israeli universities censor and restrict the academic freedom of scholars and students. Subjects such as the Nakba and the right of Palestinian refugees to return are often off-limits on campus, and critical scholars regularly face harassment, threats and even suspension.
Academics for Palestine
We are a network of scholars and students in Denmark advocating for the rights of Palestinians